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Monday Morning Photo - Lopera Castle, Jaén

Lopera Castle, one of the best examples built by the Military Order of Calatrava in Jaén province, near the provincial border with Córdoba. The castle was built in 13th century on the site of a Moorish fortress, became a residence of nobility in 20th and today is visitable by prior arrangement.  Lopera Castle See the Monday Morning Photo list.

AquaNets - Pool Safety Nets

The AquaNet a pool safety net that is designed so that it is only possible for adults to remove the net which is made of pre-shrunk net mesh of 8 cm which is impossible for even the smallest toddlers' head to go through.

Safety Features

The special U.V. treated polyethylene braid has a breaking strain of 160 kgs per strand.

A toddler cannot crawl to the centre or under the net.

Alarm available.

Aqua-Net has a 100% safety record. The safety net complies with the United States A.S.T.M. standards for pool safety nets (F1346-91).

Read all about the nets at AquaNet Majorca, these nets are now available in Andalucia.

Distributor in Andalucia:

Nicholas Webb

- Tel:953 564211
- nickwebb 1958 at gmail dot com

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