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Hotel Cortijo del Marques - A Return Journey

One of my favourite types of hotels is owner-run and historical. I´m a lover of ancient wooden doors, that have seen generations pass through their doors. On a recent one night escape I headed to the wonderful Hotel Cortijo del Marqués deep in the countyside of Granada province yet only twenty minutes drive to that incredibly fascinating provincial capital - Granada city. The city was not my destination on this quick get away, it was peace and enforced relaxation that I sought, and got. After leaving the main Madrid - Granada road a decent 4km track winds through olive groves and farmland to the Cortijo an ancient manor house bestowed to a Marques when Granada fell from Moorish control.  The walled manor house has a gorgeous wooden gateway into a cobbled courtyard where tinkling fountains sit between the restaurant and the hotel reception. Pass by the chapel and through an inner entranceway into another cobbled  courtyard surrrounded by the hotel rooms, one corner of which hides the sw

Cherry Blossom Reigns

Not so long ago the first sign of winters end saw the almond trees in flower, now spring is well and truly underway looking at the magnificent yellow and purple tapestry covering.

It´s now the reign of the cherry blossom from delicate whites to crimson pinks to adorn the countryside.

This is without a doubt my favourite time of year, within about a week the vines go from no sign of life to uncurling leaf buds, everything shoots, grows and flowers like a jump for joy.

Cherry blossom is a sign of the red harvest to come and many areas have a cherry festival. In the north of Spain the river Jerte flows in the Sierra de Gredos and they hold la Fiesta del Cerezo en Flor an this year, 2011, they are organising the III Marcha Senderista del Cerezo en Flor, a walk for the flowering cherry.

My neighbouring town, Castillo de Locubin also hold a cherry festival at harvest time, I´ll post the date when I find out.

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