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Monday Morning Photo - Wisteria Time in Andalucia

How quickly spring comes around after the short winter here in the Sierra Sur de Jaén. After lots of very much needed rain we´re back to the normal cloudless blue.  My garden is shooting incredbily with the moisture and now sunshine. And my beautiful wisteria flowers grandly albeit it short-lived. The big black carpenter bees love it. Each flowering season reminds me of the Botanical Gardens in Malaga and the ´tunnel´ of wisteria that I haven´t yet caught in bloom. April is a good time to plan to go if it´s on your list.  Here´s the botanical garden link La Concepción Botanical Gardens. And a sneaky peak at the wisteria. See the Monday Morning Photos list.

The River

It´s a while since I posted here. This is an old post I came across, a writing prompt I did a long time ago. I´ve been reading it again and again trying to understand that state of mind I was in when I wrote it. I cannot envision the turmoil. I so wish I had dated it. Just to know. Life moves on. I´m a tranquil stream right now.

Moorish, Wooden Waterwheel, Albendin

The River

Sometimes I rage, at others I'm calm and trickle, translucent or transparent, fine like ice. When I'm angry I destroy. Lives, land, nature, the wildlife I sustain. I erupt, spill and tear along not caring about the destruction or thinking about the aftermath. Unstoppable, churned up, dark. I carry along anyone and anything in my path then just dump it or them at will.

Eventually peace returns, a calmness that's inexplicable, unexplainable. An inner peace. A huge calm. Life returns to my shores, I quench the thirst of many. My thirst is slated too. I tumble and gurgle and burble along once again.

Until, the next storm. Each one a little less torrid, less violent. Am I controlling the storms, are they controlling me? How many, how much energy, emotion must be spent each and every time. I feel the rubble rolling, the drops gather into streams, the streams pour into me and if they are within me, part of  me they must come out. Explode. Break out of the restraints. Burst my banks and yet again run amuck, decimate. Harm.

I'm tired now. Drained. Ancient. I've wandered, meandered since the beginning. Never stayed on the path, always pushed the boundaries. Always. I find I like these moments of calm more and more. Is this what contentment is? A little down time. An inner peace. Can I stay like this, can this tranquil state remain. What needs to happen to attain, retain where I am right now.

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