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Monday Morning Photo - Finca de la Pansa

Finca de la Pansa B&B, once a farm house where grapes were dried to make the local Moscatel wine. The local farmsteads had this type of traditional frontage with arches so that the grapes - laid out on large cane mats could be dragged under cover quickly if it rained - yet still be out in the air to ´cure.´ See the video of Finca de la Pansa B&B on YouTube. Visit the  Finca de la Pansa website.

Monday Morning Photo - Sierras de Cazorla, Segura & Las Villas

Looking towards the peak El Yelmo location of the International Air Show (FIA - Festival Internacional de Aire) from the rugged landscape at Despiernacaballos in Cazorla Natural Park, Jaen, Andalucia part of the GR247 the longest circular walking route in Spain at 317 km.

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