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Monday Morning Photo - Finca de la Pansa

Finca de la Pansa B&B, once a farm house where grapes were dried to make the local Moscatel wine. The local farmsteads had this type of traditional frontage with arches so that the grapes - laid out on large cane mats could be dragged under cover quickly if it rained - yet still be out in the air to ´cure.´ See the video of Finca de la Pansa B&B on YouTube. Visit the  Finca de la Pansa website.

Guadix Renaissance Cathedral

Catedral Santa Maria de la Encarnación is the large Renaissance cathedral in the heart of Guadix, which was considered the beginning of Christianity in Spain after many people became converts after a miracle performed by St. Torcuato.

You could easily think this is two different cathedrals with the front being quite plain, take a walk around the side and it´s over the top.

Begun in 1510 on the site of a mosque it wasn´t completed until 1796, but the majority of the work was done in 1549 by Diego de Siloë who used the cathedrals in Malaga and Granada for inspiration.

The hugely monumental facade, in complete contrast to the front contains some baroque and earlly classical elements remodelled by Vicente de Acero in the 18th century who was the architect of Cadiz Cathedral.

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