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Monday Morning Photo - Plaza Grande de Zafra

Zafra was an absolute delight, Plaza Grande, which has two differente areas, walk through an arch - to another ancient plaza, this is the smaller of the two. So photogenic and a good time of day, about 5pm, to fiind them pretty empty, sadly we had to move on so didn´t see the open bar bustle of the evening.   Definitely would have planned to stay over or at least longer had I known just how charming it is, but it was the first stop on a whistlestop Extremadura with a pop into Portugal long weekend roadtrip.  See the Monday Morning Photo list. See more of my photos on Instagram .

Monday Morning Photo - Wild Spring Flowers

It's a holiday today. May Day in the UK  and Day of the Worker in Spain but here in rural, northern Andalucia I'm calling it Poppy Day as the hedgerows are bursting with poppies right now. Bright and cheerful reds under a deep blue sky and lush green background after a wet and dry April.

May sees the colour of the flowers changing to pinks and purples, it's my favourite time of year.

See my Monday Morning Photo list.

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